
Why Your Business Needs a Pro Agency Team for Lead Generation and Not a Freelancer

As a new B2B business founder, you’re probably faced with plenty of challenges, including resources and time. Right from managing product development to the sales and marketing functions, you probably take care of everything.

However, as your business is growing and expanding, you may be finding the demands on your time increasing and that you’re being stretched thin. In such a situation, you may realize that your lead generation efforts are beginning to take a back seat.

Typically, a small business owner spends about 23 hours a week on lead generation activities. This is close to an entire day of precious time that they have lost chasing potential clients, which could have been utilized somewhere else. 

The business owner has the option of hiring an in-house team for lead generation, however, this can be quite expensive and eat into their budget. So, what’s the solution? Outsourcing lead generation.

Outsourcing lead generation not only helps free up valuable time, but it can also produce 43% better results and also help drive ROI without a lot of effort. So, the actual question arises, “Should you choose an independent freelancer for your lead generation activities or go with a seasoned agency such as HubCredo that can offer a complete and well-rounded approach?”

The Freelancer Dilemma

Often, the first option that business owners choose when outsourcing lead generation is employing an independent freelancer. This is probably because, not only are the services of freelancers more affordable, but they also offer other benefits such as individual know-how and flexibility. But, despite being skilled in certain areas, independent freelancers may not have the depth and expertise required for successful B2B lead generation.

This is where an agency like HubCredo comes in and offers several advantages over an independent freelancer.

The Agency Advantage

Varied skills under one roof

Effective lead generation requires a 360-degree approach and an agency like HubCredo has a team with varied expertise. Imagine a scenario where your company needs a combination of content development, outreach strategies, and SEO (search engine optimization) to convert leads into customers. We have a team consisting of content developers, outreach marketers, and SEO specialists who work together to offer a dynamic and effective B2B lead generation strategy tailored to meet your specific requirements.

Data-driven approach

In the ever-changing B2B scenario where success is typically data-driven, HubCredo removes all guesswork. Imagine that you want to grow your business, but the market is a tough one. Hubcredo does not work on assumptions but analyses, plans, and takes decisions based on solid data. We conduct in-depth market research and identify the most favourable opportunities for your business. For example, Hubcredo helped a UI/UX design company to find niche markets, resulting in an 30% increase in the qualified leads in just 2 months.

Scalability minus the hassles

Imagine that your business is expanding. This means that the demand for lead generation is also increasing. And, if you’re working with freelancers, it can get quite tricky to manage different freelancers, especially when you’re dealing with varying working styles and schedules.

On the other hand, working with a HubCredo, a one-stop solution can be a seamless and easy way to scale seamlessly. Our team setup can handle your expanding needs without the hassle of managing a fragmented group of freelancers. For instance, when an e-commerce business needed leads more quickly, HubCredo modified its strategies very quickly, added more resources to the team, and was able to achieve a 20% increase in leads in just one month.

Proven track record

HubCredo has helped several small businesses succeed. Here is an example of what we did for one of our clients, who was struggling to establish its presence in the US and APAC markets. We developed and implemented a customized lead generation strategy for KSK, which helped to double their lead conversion rate in just 3 months.

Supercharge Your Lead Generation with a Pro Team

To sum up, in the B2B world where the competition is cut-throat, getting new customers is a big deal. While freelancers can help in the lead-generation efforts of businesses, partnering with a specialized agency like HubCredo can give your business the strategic advantage it needs.

Why? We offer the right combination of skills, know-how, consistency, scalability, advanced tools and techniques, and proven results that make it better to choose a pro team instead of an independent freelancer.

So, ready to boost your lead generation efforts? Let’s chat. Our team is all set to take your business to new heights. Get in touch with HubCredo today and let us be a trusted ally in your journey forward.

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