startup growth

Digital Advertising for your B2B Business

We leverage advertising as a part of your marketing mix to raise your product awareness, generate leads, and grow your business. Utilize HubCredo to optimize your paid Ads to reach out to your target customers with better ROAS (Return on Ad Spends).

Are you facing these challenges in digital advertising

Customer discovery to the product

My product is not visible to my target customers, how to reach out to them

website visits

Not able to convert website visitors into customers, how to increase customers conversions

paid Ads

Do not know where and what Ads to run

Return on Ads spend

I am running Ads but not getting good ROAS (Return on Ads Spend)

HubCredo helps you get maximum out of your paid Ads:

1. Identify the right Ads platforms where your audience spends time

2. Develop Ads content and format that clicks with your audience

3. Leverage Ads customization as per your buyer's journey

4. Effective retargeting campaign for better engagement

5. Data-driven Ads experiments and optimization for a better ROI

6. Combining paid Ads with other marketing pillars for better results

The only partner you need to grow your business

Let's grow together

Use HubCredo for a better ROI-driven digital advertising

Digital advertising is difficult but critical for your business success. Our knowledge about Ad platforms like LinkedIn, Google, Reddit helps you to make your products visible to your target audience

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Identifying the right platform

We will identify the right Ad platforms for you where your audience spends time and engage. Different platforms we explore for you are: Google, LinkedIn, Reddit, peer review sites like G2, Facebook, Community forums etc

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Ads that drives results

With right Ads formats and customer segmentation, we ensure that your Ads touch cords with your target customers. By carefully designing and analyzing A/B testing, we ensure continuous improvements


Targeting and retargeting your users at different stages of their buyer's journey will convert your website traffic to actual customers. Creating multiple digital touch points drive better conversion

Make a wise decision

Why you should hire us

The best digital ads don’t feel like ads at all, they feel like experiences.

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Digital advertising is not about selling, we make it about creating connections in a digitized world
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If content is king in digital advertising, then data is its queen. Our Ad campaigns are completely driven by data and customer insights
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No minimum budget commitment from your side. We try to maximize your ROI
How we work

Our Modus Operandi



We learn from your previous campaigns, competitors Ads strategies and understand your customer segments and their relevant data

Designing Ad campaigns

We deliver right Ads at right platforms with right data. We use A/B testing,  retargeting and Ads optimization

people working together

Combining data and efforts

We make your Ads coherent with your marketing mix. With regular monitor and updates we improve your Ads performance


Join our family

Don't spend your valuable time on reinventing the wheel of digital marketing. We adopt latest and best practices for you. Join the other companies who trusted us for their Paid Ads

Trillbit logo
Pick My Work logo
Murf logo
ShiftAltCap logo

Read some success stories from clients

We wanted to target developers for our product and earlier running our Ads on LinkedIn but that led to poor results. HubCredo suggested Reddit platform for us and they design and run Ads there to improve our ROI by 250%.

Bhaskar deo, Trillbit
Trillbit logo

HubCredo has selected very relevant Ads platforms like G2 to increase our product visibility and reach to our target audience. Their Ad campaign on referral marketing has yielded great results for us.

Divyanshu Pandey,
Murf logo

For improving recruitments for gig works, HubCredo led very localized and targeted google Ads with right keywords and within 2 months we could see the results. Our monthly job applications improved by 120%.

Utsav Bhattacharjee, Pickmywork
Pick My Work logo

The only partner you need to grow your business

Let's grow together