HubCredo for B2B Outbound Sales

HubCredo helps you find new prospects, reach out to them and convert them as your customers.

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Are you facing these challenges in your B2B Outbound sales?

Inadequate Targeting

Many companies cast their net too wide when it comes to targeting potential clients. This broad approach often results in resources being wasted on prospects who aren't a good fit for your product or services.

Lack of a Clear Sales Strategy

Companies often dive into outbound sales without a well-defined strategy. Without a clear roadmap outlining who to target, how to reach them, and how to convert them, sales efforts can easily go awry.

Inefficient Follow-Up

Following up with potential clients is a crucial step in the sales process, one that is often overlooked or mishandled by companies.

Not Testing and Refining

The best sales strategies are constantly evolving. If you don't regularly test and refine your sales tactics based on data and feedback, you might miss opportunities for improvement and growth.

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HubCredo-A True partner for outbound sales
Any company will be out of business if they don’t have enough sales prospects

We helped more than 20 companies in outbound sales and increased their annual revenue on an average by $180K per HubCredo outbound sales executive deployed

Sales funnel

The only partner you need to grow your business

Let's grow together

We offer a complete end-to-end outbound sales services

Lead Generation

Based on your ICP and buyer persona, we leverage advanced tools and techniques to identify potential customers and their intent to buy. We constantly build prospects database to feed the top of the sales funnel.

Sales Outreach

Well-crafted, data-driven outreach campaigns (Emails, LinkedIn, Social Forums & Groups, cold calls)  with the right personalization, messaging and follow-ups to engage potential customers, driving them towards your offerings.

Sales Pipeline Building

Our seasoned sales professionals qualify your leads and guide them through the sales funnel towards successful deal closures. We engage customers with the right content at different stages of the buyer's journey. Using data and compelling content, we strive for better conversion rates at each stage of the sales funnel.

Sales Data and Testing

If you want to test new customer segments, new products/features, competitors' strategies, or new geographies, we can help you gather initial signals and data to make informed decisions and solidify your plans. We  empower your business with methods like A/B testing, Multivariate testing, User testing and Usability testing.
Efficient Outbound Sales

HubCredo is 2x cost-effective, efficient and faster

HubCredo provide you expert outbound sales executives on an hourly chargeable basis to manage end-to-end outbound sales

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Leave no stones unturned

Our executives use different mediums like email campaigns, LinkedIn Outreach, cold calls to bring results

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Content is the fuel

We develop outbound contents for your review and approval. These will be regularly updated to get better outcomes

Optimization is key

Every business is different so we customise and adapt as per your specific business requirements. We always follow "not one size fits all".

We are one of you

Our executives will align their efforts as per your marketing and business strategies. We will follow your guidelines.

Why you should think about us?

Save your time

Don't spend your time on hiring and training executives for outbound sales

Hiring and training in-house executives take your precious time
Your team will need time to adjust and optimise
Your team's Learning curve will be mostly inward looking, missing the higher growth opportunities

Save your Money

Don't spend your limited money on doing lead generation in-house or hiring wrong agencies

Subscription to many lead generation tools and software can easily cost you upward of $500/month
Other agencies have very rigid and high monthly fee charges that may not meet your expectation
Our reasonable hourly rate will surely fit your budget

What makes us different?


No Prior commitment

Other agencies ask for a minimum of 3 months commitments. While with us, it is you who makes decision on continuity
hourly rate

Reasonable charges

While other agencies charge upward of $3000/month, our hourly rates (starting from $8/hours) are structured to keep your fixed cost lower at least two times.
Agencies Vs HubCredo

We adapt faster

Other agencies stick to one format for all clients. We adapt and change as per your specific business needs

Carefully Optimised

Unlike other agencies that constantly switch resources on a whim, we provide dedicated resources to truly understand your business and culture.

Our customers love what we do


HubCredo is constantly providing the quality leads to our sales team and helping us to expand in retail and hospitality sectors

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Since we are into SaaS product business, we need high volume of leads to acquire new clients and executives from HubCredo dedicatedly work towards that. After taking services from HubCredo, we never thought of building our in-house team for lead generation

Divyanshu pandey
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